Saturday, 17 September 2011

Truth About Abs

According to this report five foods that promote weight loss include:
  • Grass-fed beef or bison - Grass-fed beef from cattle and buffalo (or bison) have much higher levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and lower levels of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids  compared to grain fed beef or bison. They also contain up to 3 times the Vitamin E and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA helps our bodies to burn fat and build muscles. 
  • Avocodos - These contain healthy fat as well as vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and antioxidants.
  • Whole Eggs, including the yolk - Egg Yolk contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg. In addition, the yolks contain ALL of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as ALL of the essential fatty acids.Chickens that are allowed to roam free outside and eat a more natural diet will give you healthier, more nutrient-rich eggs
  • Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Macadamia - These contain high levels of nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Nuts are also a good source of fiber and protein, which helps to control blood sugar and can aid in weight loss.
  • Berries - Packed with vitamins and minerals, berries are some of the best sources of antioxidants.  They contain a healthy dose of fiber, which slows your carbohydrate absorption and digestion and controls your blood sugar levels to help prevent insulin hikes.
Also included are articles that reveal:
  • Best Ab Workouts Secrets
  • Best Abdominal Exercises
  • Tips on Losing Belly Fat Fast
  • Fat Burning Workout Articles
See what I'm talking about here:

Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Importance of Sodium (Salt)

The body needs sodium to function well. It is stored in the bones, in cells and in the fluid that surrounds the cells. Excessive sodium is passed out in tears, sweat and urine.
Most of our sodium intake comes from salt.

It works with potassium, for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles, and correct balance of body fluids. It is also the main ion in extra-cellular fluid (fluid around cells).

The benefits of sodium include:

·         The regulation of muscle contractions and nerve transmissions
·         The maintenance of proper balance of water and body fluids
·         Maintaining the proper blood pH
·         Proper stomach function
·         Helps in regulating blood pressure and volume

Sodium Deficiency

Sodium deficiency is known as hyponatremia. Some factors that cause this are
excessive sweating, or chronic diarrhoea or vomiting, the use of diuretics, malnutrition, adrenal gland disorder and prolonged fasting.

·         confusion or disorientation
·         dehydration
·         heart palpitations
·         low blood sugar
·         muscle cramps
·         nausea
·         seizures, coma, or death in extreme cases if left untreated
·         slurred speech
·         weakness or lethargy

The normal blood sodium level is between 135 - 145 millimoles/liter (mmol/L). This is measured using an electrolyte blood test.

A Biblical Look

You are the salt of the earth. Matthew 5:13

Being referred to as the “Salt of the Earth” puts believers in Christ in a profound position. Our job is not just to add flavour to the earth but rather to ensure it functions properly. Without the work of Christians the world will fall into spiritual hyponatremia.  
